Therapy Pool 

Part of Meg's therapy at Craig Hospital includes time in the pool.  This is one of Meg's favorite therapy sessions and she looks forward to it every week. 

Using a Guldman Lift, Physical Therapists transfer Meg from her wheelchair to the pool.  Meg was understandably nervous her first time in, but now looks forward to every pool session. 


Meg asked the Doctor to be prescribed the pool every day, but she only got laughed at.  Turns out, nearly all the patients at Craig love the pool.  For Meg, the water and movement in the pool help to temporarily ease the constant pain and tingling she feels in her hands, neck and shoulders.  The pool is also an incredible confidence builder and motivator for many SCI patients. The buoyancy of the water can help lift and support a limb or the whole body, and   because of this, a patient can use less strength and exertion while in the water.  Many SCI patients find that under these conditions, in a pool, they can actually move areas of the body that they couldn't before.  Needless to say, an experience such as this can be a huge motivator. 




Here Meg is practicing sitting up and straightening her torso with the aid of water to help support her 


After a while, Meg found she could really relax when on her back in the pool.  Afterwards, this made her feel refreshed and at ease.


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